Traffic Exchange Doubt

Started by rickyspanish Feb 23rd, 2023 at 13:42
Posts: 1
Received: $0.52511
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Feb 23rd, 2023 at 13:42

Hello friends, good morning. I have a doubt. How can I earn money with Traffic Exchange, I see I have 52 credits for surfing but I don't know how to earn with that... could you help me?

Hello friends, good morning. I have a doubt. How can I earn money with Traffic Exchange, I see I have 52 credits for surfing but I don't know how to earn with that... could you help me?

Posts: 103
Feb 23rd, 2023 at 16:45
rickyspanish wrote:

Hello friends, good morning. I have a doubt. How can I earn money with Traffic Exchange, I see I have 52 credits for surfing but I don't know how to earn with that... could you help me? can use the traffic exchange credits to advertise your own links for free in the traffi exchange section

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