30% discount for all special packages for limited time

Started by ahmedelagamy Sep 07th, 2023 at 12:25
Posts: 103
Sep 07th, 2023 at 12:25

Hi there

for a limited time there will be the following special packages that can be purchased

Ultimate+rent referrals - 35$ instead of $50

here for 35$ instead of $50 only you will get

  • Ultimate clicker Membership for 1 month
  • 200 Rented Referrals for 1 month   ( you will get only the active rented referrals that logged in and clicked ad during the last 3 days)

Ultimate+direct referrals - 35$ instead of $50

here for 35$ instead of $50 only you will get

  • Ultimate clicker Membership for 1 month
  • 80 Direct Referrals for life ( you will get only the active referrals that logged in and clicked ad during the last 7 days)

Crypto Crowd Ad Package - 3.5$ instead of $5

here for 3.5$ instead of $5 only you will get

  • 100000 Banner Ad Credits
  • 100000 Text Ad Credits
  • 10000 Paid to Click Credits

you can purchase that packges from Special Packages section here


or you can send support ticket directly to us here so we can help you to get your package today:)


or talk to me in our telegram group here



stay tuned for the coming great updates and remember we are big dragon that just arrive the ptc world

cryptocrowdclicks team


« Last Edit: Sep 07th, 2023 at 12:25 by ahmedelagamy »

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